Sunday, March 02, 2008

Cranford Mitts

Knitted in Yarn Yard Merino Sooty Cherry and Mysteron
Pattern by Jane
Very easy knit but also very effective due to both the pattern and the lovely colours of the yarn.

Now I really must get on with the ironing!

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SueJ said...

Nice! So are the socks!
Ironing? Hmmm, me too!

Ambermoggie, a fragrant soul said...

those are fabulous:))

dreamcatcher said...

Ooh those are lovely! I have some Mysteron and Smile on the way for mine :-)

Linda said...

Fab! I think a lot of us are using Mysteron as the main colour, I will when I cast on. It just seems the right colour.

Cornflower said...

Well done you! I'm only up to the fourth pattern repeat on mitt 1 (but I have done the ironing!)

natalie said...

I can officially confirm that there is a Mysteron invasion going on!
These are really pretty.


picperfic said...

Those colours look great together...I'm off to look at that pretty pattern!

Liz said...

Lovely with those colours together as well! Amazing how many things can distract from doing the ironing I find!