I don’t know about you but as far as knitting is concerned my mind is constantly thinking of what’s next. Not normally so indecisive but this is a snapshot of what is usually churning round.
1. Should I finish the dreaded Cushion Cover, rib Cardigan.
No it’s too hot.
2. Should I join the next Knit along I like the look of or the one I already possess the pattern/wool for. (Shoalwater/Queen of the Waves/Clapotis)
3. Maybe I will knit what I have liked the look of on someone’s blog or in that magazine last week.
But then again.
4. I really must knit up the wool that I wanted to try, Seacell, SeaSock, POB Silk, Camel etc.
Can I find the right pattern?
5. What about that colour that I really want to see knit?
What about it??
6. Maybe I should just concentrate on the yarn that is already wound.
7. And of course there is the sock challenge I foolishly told people about, why don’t I keep my mouth shut?
Will always have yarn for socks.
8. Want to try Toe-Up socks.
9. Christmas is only 6 months away.
10. Winter is only 3, back to the cardigan.
So I am now not buying anymore yarn for a while, not stupid enough to tell you til when, but stupidly told the keeper of the plastic…….big mistake.
I may have exaggerated on the length of my stashalong…..DH please note.
Have my eye on
Violet Green,
Wollmeise and
Hobbledehoy and
Posh is never far from my mind, oh and the
Yarn Yard are introducing Lace. Doomed. I have added all the links because if I'm going I'm taking you with me!!